13 July 2014

Just Keep Swimming

I spent the last few days with my ward and another ward at Bear Lake.  There were a lot of firsts that I enjoyed.

The first was my first wetsuit :)
You can see every bulge of fat in this thing...
Can I just say that wetsuits are freaking amazing?!?  This thing is amazingly buoyant!  I can just lay back and float without moving a muscle!  It was great!!!

The second was swimming in a big lake.  If you've never been to bear lake, it's huge! 
Water, water everywhere...
I loved swimming in this lake!  I loved the feeling of being completely lost in water, swimming to and from nowhere at all.

I slept in a hammock for the first time not in my house.  It was so much fun!
The hammock I used
 I made sand angels!
I'm still finding sand in my hair...
 This happened after I missed a few hits in volleyball...Sometimes I'm ridiculous. :)

I became much better friends with these fabulous people!
Look at all those attractive people! :)

I sang all the way there and back an eclectic mix of EFY music, pop, and latino music along with listening to general conference talks with some of the most fabulous women I know.

I got candid photos taken of me that I wasn't able to avoid for the first time! :P  And also the first time I've put vanilla and cinnamon in my french toast mix!
I don't always use a grill, but when I do, it's almost always to cook french toast.
I got to know some people so much better, I got to do so many fun things, and just had a generally fabulous time.  I can say I love love love my ward members so very much!  I am so grateful for this trip.

I needed time to recharge and reset.  This trip helped me do so immensely :).  It gave me strength enough to...

..."Just keep swimming."


  1. Vanilla and cinnamon in french toast mix is the only thing that makes french toast worth having! (And it makes it very worth it!) Glad you finally discovered it.

  2. Curtis, I loved the trip also but reading your very interesting and entertaining thoughts gave me an entirely new perspective. Thanks for expanding my appreciation of our experience and thanks for your constant service. Bishop Sloan

  3. I LOVE this blog post! I love the face you are making while at the grill and of course, the reference to Dos Equis (classic!) I love how you talk about enjoying all the simple things like swimming to nowhere, making sand angels, and trying vanilla french toast. I love finding adult "firsts" myself! (The other day I found a sand dollar on the beach-- had never seen one outside of a souvenir shop and when they are alive they look so crazy different). I liked the analogy at the end to swimming. Also, I too, LOVE wetsuits! Best. Idea. Ever. Now they just need to figure how to make them so they are not so dang hard to put on. ;) Maybe if they did though, we'd just start wearing them everywhere just in case we pass a pool on the way home from work. ;) I guess we can't have that... or can we?? I may just be onto something, afterall! ;)
